Is Sunshine Good for My Smile?

June 20, 2024

A woman standing on a beach enjoying the sunshine.

Though it sometimes gets a bad rap for causing sunburn and making summer temperatures soar, the sun still provides myriad benefits. It helps our food grow, keeps the planet safe from freezing over, and even encourages your body to create vitamin D. Vitamin D is an important vitamin that can help you in a variety of ways, including benefiting your oral health.

If you’re still unsure it’s worth the risk to step outside into the light, here are a few reasons why the sun is so important.

The Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced when your skin is exposed to sunlight. The sun’s UVB rays interact with a protein in your body called 7-DHC, converting it into vitamin D3, which is the active form of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is responsible for many impressive health benefits, including:

  • Increased calcium absorption, which is necessary for your teeth and bones to stay strong.
  • lowering the risk of tooth decay by up to 50 percent.
  • helping regulate your immune system which can protect you from infections, germs, and viruses

Vitamin D and Your Gums

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to cause inflammation, which can contribute to everything from diabetes to heart disease and autoimmune diseases. It can even be a factor in periodontal (gum) disease.

Periodontal disease occurs when the gums become infected by bacteria, which can lead to gum tissue loss, tooth recession, tooth loss, and even bone loss. It can often be prevented by brushing regularly (twice a day), flossing at least once a day, visiting your dentist twice a year for your semi-annual cleanings and checkups, and by ensuring you are getting plenty of vitamin D.

Getting Vitamin D from the Sun

If you are looking for a free way to boost your vitamin D levels, stepping outside is a great place to start. Experts recommend between 10 to 30 minutes of direct noontime sun exposure each day to naturally produce enough vitamin D to stay healthy.

Furthermore, wearing sun protection should not prevent vitamin D absorption, so it’s still a great idea to protect yourself with an SPF, wide brimmed hat, sunglasses, or sun protective clothing when you go outdoors.

Other Ways to Get Vitamin D

If you’re not a sun-seeker or you simply want to find other ways to up your vitamin D intake, there are several ways you can do so, including:

  • Taking a vitamin D supplement
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin D, including fatty fish, eggs, and lean protein
  • Consuming dairy products that are fortified with vitamin D

This summer don’t feel guilty about basking in the glow of everyone’s favorite star. Take a few minutes each day to venture outside and get some much-needed vitamin D to boost your oral and overall health!

About Dr. McKnight

Dr. Byron McKnight brings a truly unique, collaborative approach to dentistry. He believes in taking his time with each patient to give them a better understanding of their overall oral health, so that they can make educated decisions about their care options.

In addition to patient education, Dr. McKnight believes in continuing his own education, having logged more than 2,500 hours of continuing education courses, ranging in topics from complex restorative dentistry to dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and sleep disorders.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. McKnight, please visit our website or call us at 972-698-8000.