Busting 3 Myths About Sedation Dentistry

May 9, 2023

pov shot of a nitrous oxide mask being placed

There are all kinds of people who deal with dental anxiety, and sedation dentistry can be enormously helpful in making oral healthcare more enjoyable for these people. However, some people are turned off by the idea of sedatives, which often comes from misunderstandings about them.

If you want to learn more about sedation dentistry, here are some common misunderstandings about the treatment and why they aren’t necessarily true.

Myth: Sedation Dentistry is Unsafe

The use of drugs in dentistry makes some people nervous because they worry about the possibility of negative side effects. However, the truth is that dentists are trained specifically in the use of sedatives before they can incorporate them into their practice.

As a result, they are well aware of any risks associated with the drugs and can steer far clear of them. Some sedatives are even safe enough for children to use!

Myth: Sedatives Will Put Me to Sleep

Lots of people assume that most sedatives are just like general anesthesia and that their dentist will put them completely to sleep before the procedure begins. However, the truth is that the main purpose of dental sedatives is to help patients feel more at ease during their procedure while keeping them conscious.

It’s important that dental patients be able to respond to the dentist’s instructions and inform them of any pain that they feel, so it’s in everyone’s best interest for sedatives to keep patients conscious, but comfortable.

Myth: Sedation Dentistry is Only for Extreme Cases

Unfortunately, there are some people who could potentially get a lot out of sedation dentistry but who think that it isn’t intended for them.

The truth is that sedation dentistry is safe and effective for just about anyone who thinks that they could need it. If you have any kind of dental anxiety, have trouble sitting still, have a strong gag reflex, or just think that sedatives would make dentistry more comfortable for you, it’s worth asking your dentist about it.

A calm patient makes for more effective dentistry, so there’s no reason to be scared of sedatives. In fact, it could be that sedation dentistry is perfectly suited to you.

About the Author

Dr. Byron McKnight believes that dentistry doesn’t get anywhere if all it offers are rushed, impersonal treatments. He takes the time to get to know his patients and gives them the one-on-one attention that they need. Since dental school, Dr. McKnight has received over 2,500 hours of continuing education on a variety of topics. He is a Fellow of The American Academy of Dentistry and has served as Assistant Clinical Professor at the Baylor College of Dentistry.

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (972) 698-8000.